Escorts service is one of those few industries in which all the beautiful women can get a job with ease. Also, if they have some basic skills, then they can success escorts with ease. However, things may not be that easy for tattooed women. I am sure you could ask why tattooed women cannot easily get success as escorts, then I am sharing the reasons here.
Get more attention:
Many time guys hire escorts as their companions for a date or for a party. In those places they do not want to go with those women that would grab unwanted attention from the crowd. Whether you agree or not, but this is a fact that tattooed women can get that kind of attention from many men. This could give a level of discomfort to tattooed women and their male partners as well. That is why, men prefer not to have tattooed woe as their companion from escorts service. This can also explain why even beautiful ladies with tattoo may not get easy success in this work.
Limited clientele:
I am not saying tattooed women are not good for working as escorts. Their may be a number of men that may have interest only for tattooed women. That means when they would hire escorts, then they would prefer to have a woman that has tattoo on her body. Yet this number is very less or limited and guys that want to have such escorts prefer to hire them for fun parties or individual services only. That reduce the clientele for them and sometime they may not get any work as well. Once they get popular then such escorts don’t find any trouble finding job, but in in dial days they could have some troubles in this issue.
People opinion:
People can have a different opinion for all the tattooed women. They assume such girls are nasty and careless. When men take escorts assistance, then many of them take this service to find a solace from their problems, and complications. Because of this assumption or opinion for women with tattoo, men assume tattooed women would not be able to provide that solace to them. I am not saying this opinion is based on the fact or truth, but men can have this kind of opinion and that is why they try to avoid such female partner from this service. Instead of that, they look for those girls that look more caring and gentle to them with a hope of getting the best result for same.
There could be plenty of other reasons as well similar to this that can restrict the growth of tattooed women in escorts industry. However, you must understand this is only my opinion and I may be completely wrong as well. Also, I am not trying to disappoint anyone with my opinion. The only thing that I am saying is they would have to work much harder compared to other women to get a better success in this particular work domain.… Read the rest